
What should I do if I have been a victim of online fraud?

2024.08.14 22:31
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One line summary

Receive counseling at the Online Damage 365 Center and connect with a damage support agency.

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Recently, as the number of online purchases or transactions has increased, the number of victims of fraud has also increased.

What should I do if I have suffered damage like this? Please request consultation from the ‘Online Victims 365 Center’ ( established by the ‘Korea Communications Commission’, a Korean government agency.

The Online Damage 365 Center connects people with professional counseling and damage support organizations to help people respond quickly and systematically to various damages and incidents that occur online.


Apply for online damage consultation

To receive damage counseling at the Online Damage 365 Center, go to the website and apply for online service damage counseling. If you apply for damage consultation after going through a simple identity verification process, the center will identify the type of damage and then go through the process of confirming the relevant organization and response plan. Afterwards, the center informs victims of response plans and carries out victim support activities. Through this, victims can receive prompt help in resolving their problems.


Various ways to apply for consultation

Online Damage 365 Center provides not only online counseling, but also KakaoTalk counseling, phone counseling, and mail counseling. For KakaoTalk consultation, add the KakaoTalk channel of the Online Victims 365 Center, enter the chat window, and press the ‘Apply for consultation’ button on the banner at the bottom.

In particular, in the case of KakaoTalk counseling, if you write down the details of the online damage and send it to the counselor, you can receive great help in resolving the problem because the counselor will proceed with the consultation quickly. For phone consultation, call 142-235 from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays (excluding lunch hours). However, multilingual consultation is not yet available.

To receive consultation by mail, write down the details of the damage and your request on the online service damage consultation application form and submit it by mail. As such, the Online Victim 365 Center provides various types of counseling services depending on the scale of damage and the victim's situation.


Check major damage cases

One more helpful thing is that you can check major damage cases through the Online Damage 365 Center.

Because online fraud usually occurs repeatedly, it is helpful to see how other people have been victimized. You can go to the Online Damage 365 Center ‘Main Damage Cases’ menu. Please note that we also provide a solution to the problem.

In particular, various damages to be aware of online are explained by dividing them into various categories such as goods and services, communications, content, and rights infringement. If you want to get general advice before receiving damage consultation, it is recommended to refer to the main damage cases menu.

Using the Online Damage 365 Center does not mean that you can immediately receive relief from fraud damage. However, at least it is very beneficial in that you do not have to panic because you do not know where and how to report it, and you can prevent other fraudulent activities by scammers.

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