Korea now

Recruitment of “Foreign Residents Seoul Life Reviewers” ​​to help migrants resolve their worries and inconveniences

2023.03.01 14:24
number of inquiry 182
Reporter Hasung Song

One line summary

Suggestions for improving the living inconveniences felt by living in Seoul from the perspective of foreign residents, discovery of best practices

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The Seoul Metropolitan Government is recruiting ‘Foreign Residents Living in Seoul’ to help foreign residents understand the concerns and inconveniences they experience while living in Seoul from the perspective of the foreign residents themselves.

In order to help foreign residents improve their living convenience, the ‘Foreign Residents Living in Seoul’ serves the role of suggesting improvements to inconveniences in daily life, multicultural family policy proposals, and unreasonable law improvements.

The recruitment period is until March 9th, and the number of recruitment is 40 people. Foreigners or marriage immigrants, including naturalized Koreans who have lived in Seoul for at least one year and can speak Korean or English, can apply.

The final selection of applicants will be decided through document screening after application submission (e-mail submission to dmswo56@seoul.go.kr), and successful applicants will be notified individually by March 14th.

If you are selected as a ‘Foreigner Residents Living in Seoul’, you will be active for a total of 10 months from March to December of this year, and you will receive an activity fee of 30,000 won per monitoring report. 02-2133-8705

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