도와주세요 공지사항
Use Information
게시물 내용
The ‘Please Help’ service helps multicultural families and foreign residents solve the difficulties they face due to lack of knowledge about the Korean language, Korean society, culture, and systems.
Please inquire about problems such as ▲how to use a bank ▲conversation with doctors at the hospital (interpretation), and ▲making Korean or foreign friends. Also, please inquire about difficult issues such as ▲filling out visa documents to invite family ▲appearing at the police station to make a statement ▲resolving conflicts with your boss at work, etc.
Papaya Story does not have the ability to solve all of these problems, but we are working with 220 multicultural family support centers, 30 foreigner support centers, and 100 immigrant organizations and foreigners across the country to help foreign residents solve their problems or find ways to solve them. We'll connect you with hundreds of good Koreans ready to help.
(In fact, Papaya Story has helped illegal aliens who have been scammed by accompanying them to the police station so that they can go to the police station and file a complaint against the fraudster.)
If you desperately need help solving a problem you are struggling with, please post a message on the ‘Please help’ bulletin board. We will help you find a way to solve the problem and help you find a way to solve it. thank you
Note 1: When writing a post requesting help, please check that the mobile phone number you entered when signing up is correct.
Note 2: The ‘Please Help’ service will be operated free of charge for the time being. However, Papaya Points may be requested later. Papaya Points are not difficult to obtain as you can earn 300 to 500 points just by posting on Papaya Story Talk.
Note 3: Papaya Story will do its best to solve the problems of foreign residents at no cost. However, if there are issues related to the entry/exit visa, such as completing visa documents, some costs may apply.