Immigration information

What are the qualifications and requirements to obtain permanent residence in Korea?

2022.03.12 12:39
number of inquiry 10,767

One line summary

Current status of residence, period of residence, income, and language ability must be met.

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Many foreign residents want to live stably in Korea and engage in economic activities. Foreign residents come to Korea with various statuses of residence, but there are too many restrictions depending on the status of residence, so they want to get a better status of residence. Therefore, if possible, obtaining a permanent resident card (F-5) is a way to reduce the worry about staying.

Foreigners with permanent residency can live and work in Korea without restrictions. You can continue to live in Korea unless there is a crime or other cause. The qualifications for permanent residence differ according to the type of status of residence one has, the period of continuous stay in Korea, wealth, and ability. We looked at the requirements for immigrants to obtain permanent residency.

In order to obtain permanent residence in Korea, the following basic requirements must be met. ① The person or his/her family members must have the ability to make a living ② Have basic knowledge ③ Have good manners, etc. In addition, the basic requirements for obtaining permanent residence by status of residence are as follows.

▲ Foreigners who have lived for more than 5 years with D-7 (resident), E-7 (specific activity), F-2 (residence) visas ▲ Children of foreign nationals born in Korea as children of permanent residents ▲ Foreigners who have invested more than $500,000 in Korea In the case of hiring 5 or more employees▲ Foreigners who have stayed for more than 2 years on an F-4 (overseas Koreans) visa ▲ Foreigners who have stayed in Korea for more than 3 years on an F-2 point system visa ▲ Acquired a doctorate degree in Korea or abroad Foreigners who are working in domestic companies ▲ Foreigners who have invested more than a certain amount and have been recognized to continue their investment for more than 5 years ▲ Foreigners who are in a specific field such as sports, arts, culture, education, science, etc. .

The next important things are 'income' and 'language ability'. Annual income is based on the previous year's gross national income (GNI, 40,247,000 won in 2021). Here, a person who holds a point system visa (E-7-4, F-2-7) can apply for permanent residence only if he/she proves income that is more than twice the GNI. Proof of income is based on documents such as ‘Income Amount Proof’ issued by the tax office. If you cannot meet the income criteria, you can apply for permanent residency with just your assets. As of 2022, if you have assets of 414.52 million won, you can apply for permanent residence.

The language proficiency evaluation is replaced by the completion of the 5th step of the social integration program. In particular, if you take the comprehensive evaluation for permanent residence, you must score 60 or higher to apply.

In the past, people with other visas could apply for Korean citizenship, but now, with the exception of marriage immigrant women (F-6), only those with permanent residency can apply for Korean citizenship.

Therefore, the Korean government is strictly examining permanent residency as a prerequisite to acquiring nationality.

However, if you meet the above three requirements, namely ▲current status of residence and period of residence, ▲income, and language ability, you can fully take on the challenge.

For more information, please contact the Papaya Story Living Legal Visa Support Center at 031-8001-0211 in English.

Reporter Hasung Song


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